Sunday, August 31, 2014

Quick photo shoot

Just a quick photo shoot with adorable little k to try out a few new photo props we have. 

Friday, August 29, 2014

little miss k

miss k's 7 month photos

little mister b

b's 1 year photo shoot

"old school" photography-taking pictures using film

It is simply amazing to me how much has changed with photography just in the last ten years.  I remember taking my first photography class and the professor said that, one day, he would be teaching in a classroom that did not have dark rooms and everything would be digital.  I had no idea how quickly things would change! 

My first camera was a regular film camera, a Canon Rebel Ti.  I bought it for my Photography 101 class.  We developed our own negatives (amazing) and then used a negative to digital scanner to upload them into Photoshop.  Since then I have upgraded to a digital Canon camera and love it.

Looking back at some of my first pictures with my film camera, I have to say I am proud.  I'll share a few of them with you below.  What I'm most proud of - NONE of these pictures are edited.  I simply snapped them with my camera and developed the negatives.  In a day where almost all pictures are edited in one way or another and usually for the better, I have to say that I have a nostelgia for the days when a picture was taken and it simply was what it was-no changes, just what the photographer was able to capture in the moment.

Here are my favorite "old school" unedited film photos:

And here are a few that I did a very simplistic edit to with a very basic program (obviously still a novice editor!)